Monday, May 23, 2011

And so it begins...

So I've been sitting here for about twenty minutes trying to figure out what the heck I was going to write for my first blog post. My apartment complex is testing out the fire alarms in the building and they've been going off about ever other minute since 10 am...aaaaand I'm a little hungover/sleep deprived. Did I mention that I am supposed to have this post up in about an hour and a half?

Hi, my name is insert name, and I'm a HUGE procrastinator. And that's really my problem when it comes to getting off my butt and actually working out. Don't I sound like the perfect person to embark on an "exercise experiment?" I'm always full of excuses when it comes to trying to create an exercise routine. "Well...I have too much homework, I went to sleep too late to wake up that early, I worked a long shift today...too tired....blah blah blah." However, I don't think that I am the only person to do this. I think a lot of people struggle with trying to find time and motivation to exercise.

So what is this blog about? This is my motivation to actually get healthy. When my ballooning weight and gradual overall fitness decreasing over the past couple of years isn't enough to motivate me, perhaps being held accountable to someone other than myself will help force me to get into shape. Anyone willing to read about my various adventures in the gym/pool/whatever thing I'm going to try to do to do get healthy will be able to laugh with me (or at me) and hopefully add some encouragement or tips. be honest here, I know very little about how to exercise. Protein shakes? Nada. When to use certain machines in the gym? Nothing. How many reps? How long? What's the best way for me?

So, please join me on my little adventure. I promise you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll give me five hundred dollars. No? Well one out of three isn't bad. And now I invite you to relax, let us pull up a chair as the internet proudly presents - my blog! (5 points to the person who knows what movie I "borrowed" that from).

P.S. My thoughts tend to be everywhere at once. It gets some taking used to. But I promise that everything relates back to everything in some way. The light at the end of the tunnel is that I will eventually get to the point of my matter how many lame puns I have to throw your way.


  1. I completely agree with your assessment of my workout habits. I make excuses just like you, and maybe a few more such as: I won't have time to shower and I can't go to work/school/bed all sweaty... gym memberships are too expensive... I don't like working out with/in front of/near other people.. I don't like working out alone... chlorine dries my hair out... It really never ends. I would like to see how you get past this huge obstacle. Good luck! =)

  2. Good for you! Finding the motivation to get healthy is never easy. Although I do find myself in the gym a few times a week I also know that it takes a lot more than that. Diet is the hardest part for me because I do love me some food! I honestly believe you are not alone in this struggle and I commend you for making the effort!

  3. Beauty and the Beast doesn't have any swimming in it. You should have quoted the Little Mermaid. (Five points for me)
